Switching around your registered agent isn’t necessarily an exceedingly tricky process, but you definitely want to avoid it as much as possible. Just like anything, changing your RA takes time and effort, and as a business owner, you don’t exactly have a surplus of either. Here are the steps you will need to consider if you do decide to change your registered agent.
“First, why do companies change their registered agents?”
There is a multitude of reasons that companies might choose to change their registered agent as they become more mature. Typically, most companies will either place their own business owners as their RA or another team member to save money and cut down on the time it takes to find a registered agent service. Other companies might find themselves in a bind when their original registered agent, mainly if their owner is also operating as their RA, finds that they become overly busy and no longer have time to handle all of the tasks that must be completed.
Other examples might be that your original registered agent has grown tired of being the main point of government contact, or they’ve become frustrated with the amount of junk mail or other information that has been mailed to them. On top of all of these, there is always the chance that your agent happens upon a personal emergency, and it’s for the best that they move on.
Changing Your Registered Agent: Step One, Gather All of Your Information
Research what type of documentation your state requires, and be sure to triple-check that you have everything. There are also different amounts that each state will charge to officiate the switch. You’ll want to make sure that you have the funds available to do so and run them by your accountant before you make it official. The Small Business Administration makes it easy to get complete lists of what your company will need to gather and complete to complete your registered agent’s switch.
Changing Your Registered Agent: Step Two, Complete the Forms
Each state provides different necessary forms for switching around your registered agent. Go to your state’s website, search for the appropriate forms, and fill them out completely. You will need to fill out at least two forms, one stating that you have decided to terminate your current registered agent and another ensuring that your new RA agrees to the duties they are assigned. Be sure to find an exact list of the necessary forms to avoid getting in a tangle when you go to file your forms, and you’re missing one or two.
Changing Your Registered Agent: Step Three, File your Forms
After you’ve completed step two, obtaining and filling out your forms, you’ll need to file them with your state. Typically you will have the ability to fill them out online at your state’s website, but if not, you can always mail them in. Though this is not a giant step, it is arguably the most important. Going through all the steps is not enough, and incorrect cancellation could cause significant problems for your company down the road.
That wasn’t so difficult, was it?
Changing your Registered Agent doesn’t have to be overly complicated or a daunting task. Just as long as you follow the steps, complete each one faithfully, and properly contact your state to let them know you’re making the switch, everything will go smoothly. There are plenty of options for registered agents such as yourself, a family member or friend, and one of the hundreds of registered agent services online. Regardless of whichever option you go with, you’ll want to be fully educated on the pros, cons, and everything in between. TRUiC does a beautiful job of outlining the basics of what a registered agent is, how to find one, what they do for your business, and the consequences that might arise if you neglect to obtain one. Be sure to visit their site to learn all about it: https://howtostartanllc.com/what-is-a-registered-agent.
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