The entire situation of live action movie production is quite a tricky one. It’s not as if movie creators are throwing darts in the dark but that the game franchises they choose to recreate as movies are popular among masses worldwide. If you grew up watching Ash Ketchum and his shenanigans with Pikachu and the live-action version of Pokémon ends up not giving justice to the game or the animated series, you would surely be disappointed. That’s why we have created a list of all the video game movies that won’t leave a speck of disappointment in your mind!
Sonic the Hedgehog
The teaser for Sonic the Hedgehog was a rollercoaster from the start to finish. The movie faced a ton of backlash for its animation style to the point that they had to delay its release and redo every bit of the animation storyboarding from scratch. However, the new reveal of the movie redeemed itself for the backlash it initially faced. Sonic the Hedgehog also performed relatively decent on the box office and isn’t considered a bomb whatsoever despite the harsh criticism the movie got for its teaser.
Detective Pikachu
The debate on an action movie on the furry pocket monsters has always been a controversial one. The emotion-filled journey of Pikachu and Ash Ketchum is what the childhood of millennials is based on. One wrong detail in the live action movie, the entire efforts of the movie creators would go to waste. However, Detective Pikachu was a lot different from the original Pokémon animation series and video game. It does feature many renowned Pokémon from the first arc yet the story is unique and layered with several plot twists.
Silent Hill
If the Silent Hill game didn’t evoke enough nightmares already, wait until you watch the live action movie. Before giving the movie a try, fans of the game can be a bit skeptical. The movie doesn’t replicate scene by scene of the game yet it’s quite decent for a first live action try.
Spoiler alert – we weren’t expecting to see Pyramid Head in the movie but are we glad that we did. He stole the limelight the second he made an entrance, that too a gruesome one.
Before The Rock’s acting career skyrocketed in Hollywood, he was selected as the front-face of the 2005 Doom live action. You won’t find a Doomslayer with gigantic machine guns in the movie but Doom features hordes of Hell’s zombies and The Rock and Karl Urban who have to stop the demon invasion on Mars.
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider has always been a successful franchise for both its games and live action movies. While Angelina Jolie has stayed the front face of Tomb Raider movies for a long time, in 2018 Alicia Vikander took the role of Tomb Raider and we weren’t disappointed!
Mortal Kombat
The battles between the ‘mortals’ has always been quite a gory situation. If you know how the video game series works, the Mortal Kombat movie becomes worth a watch. If you fast forward to the present time, the current Mortal Kombat games are extremely gory and the fatalities are gut-wrenching. The movie, however, didn’t have any such elements of gore but didn’t let go of the game’s gaudy action moments either.
Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft is probably the company’s oldest and most popular PC game. For a game with a player base ascending to millions, directing a live action movie of it isn’t an easy feat. That’s why the viewers of the movie had mixed views about it or should we say it became more of a love-hate situation for them. The movie does follow the game’s timeline but if you’re an avid fan of WoW and would like to see it for yourself then do give the movie a watch.
To Conclude
You might have watched some of these live action movies on the big screen or as re-runs on your local cable TV programming. But in case you haven’t, we have got good news for you and no, you wouldn’t need to resort to Netflix for it. Spectrum offers Spectrum TV Select that has a wide repository of local channels (125+) from all categories. Some of these movies are a decade old so it’s highly likely for you to find them broadcasted on the TV networks offered by Spectrum!
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