Tobacco is one of the key ingredients found in cigars, cigarettes, and smoke pipes, the one highly-addictive substance that adds aroma to the smoke and joy to living for smokers. But did you know that tobacco online has is not just used for smoking but has other purposes too? If you didn’t, keep reading to know more about the different types of tobacco available today, both online and offline.
Types of Tobacco
Broadly, the item can be divided into three categories:
- Smokeless Tobacco – As the name suggests, this kind of tobacco need not be burnt to enjoy a smoke. Instead, a lot of people find pleasure in consuming it orally or nasally. As such, it’s available in two prime forms – dry snuff and moist snuff.
While dry snuff is available in powdered form, moist snuff is generally taken in the ground form by placing it in the mouth between the cheeks and the gums. The person can enjoy the succulent juices of the tobacco for longer durations.
Examples: Khaini, naswa
- Chewing Tobacco – Also known as spit tobacco because after chewing the main part, the leftover juices built up in the mouth and mixed with saliva are usually spit out by the user. A lot of people prefer chewing tobacco by putting it in the mouth, in-between cheeks, inner lip, or simply chewing them.
Examples: Gutka, Pan Masala
- Smoking Tobacco – This is the widely prevalent form of tobacco online, easily available on most websites and retail vendors around you. It is generally purchased by smokers for putting in home-made cigars which they prepare by rolling out their own cigarettes, or to punch in smoke pipes. The tobacco works by burning or combustion.
Examples: Used in roll-your-own cigarettes, commercially manufactured cigarettes, cigars, bidi, Kreteks, water pipes, smoking pipes, and sticks.
Popular Brands of Tobacco Online
If you want to roll your own cigars or cigarettes at home or just like to try out different flavours and blends of tobacco to put in your pipe, then these are the ones in high demand. You can easily find them online on a number of reputed websites. Just make sure to choose a credible vendor for this so that you can be rest assured of the highest quality at the best price.
Some of the most commonly bought brands of tobacco include:
- Zen
- Gambler
- Good Times
- Zig Zag
- Beretta
- Premier
Is it Safe to Buy Tobacco Online?
Absolutely, you just need to take a few things into consideration before you set out on this road though. This is because there’s a horde of vendors out there and if you aren’t careful, chances are you might get duped.
You’d also need to ensure that you are an adult (18+years) while making an online purchase for tobacco and related products. In fact, most websites would demand you to enter your date of birth and age to confirm before allowing you to make the purchase.
Certain countries may also restrict buying and selling of tobacco online for legal reasons. It’s always good to check the law prescriptions of your country before venturing out.
Final Words
Other than the ones mentioned above, there really seems to be no reason as to why you can’t shop for tobacco online. After all, buying tobacco is like buying any other product online. Just beware of fakes, shop around for the best brands and best bargain offers, look up online reviews, and choose the most trustworthy online store. And get on to enjoying some roll-your-own tobacco experience for a memorable puff.
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