Much of what we’re told about retiring is about getting out and enjoying life, it is about travelling and using what you have got left of your mobility. If your mobility is already limited, this can be something of a disappointment. You’re looking forward to your retirement, but you’re constantly being sold stories of a retirement filled with pilates classes and cycling breaks. More emphasis should be placed on how options for those who have retired but need assistance have increased somewhat in recent years. Now, assisted living has become co-living and those enjoying retirement can do so with others, benefitting from sharing company – in retirement villages or by living closer to home – and helping each other to get along.
Decades ago, limited mobility would have prevented you from having a thrilling retirement, however, the internet has made it possible to enjoy a wealth of activities, making the world more accessible for your retirement. We often see the internet as a distraction from the excitement of life, but you will be able to find all sorts of activities and hacks on the web. For instance, energy you may have previously exerted simply doing the weekly shop can now be channeled into more exciting things thanks to supermarkets launching online home delivery services and many even offer unpacking assistance to those who need it.
Airports have become more accessible in recent years, too, offering greater assistance to those who want to travel but may not be able to withstand the amount of walking that an airport requires. You can now check into many flights online, saving time spent standing in a queue, and airlines often offer assistance for boarding and leaving flights. Once you reach your destination, you may find friendly hotels catering specially for those who require accessibility – gone are the days of inaccessible Spanish villas with thousands of steps to the entrance.
You can now also enjoy luxury at home which before may have meant having to go out. Many restaurants have partnered with home delivery services, meaning you can get restaurant quality without having to compromise your health. After dinner, the internet makes it easy to access entertainment. You can browse your favourite films from any era, with the box sets available on streaming services. If you don’t feel like heading to the bridge club, Dunder casino has some other options to consider, as well as some unique slot games that you may have never played before. As well as traditional table games, Dunder have a huge collection of slot games for you to enjoy at home, perfect for the days when you can’t (or would rather not) spend the afternoon with the Bridge gang.
Whether you’re enjoying your retirement from the comfort of your home or enjoy spending more time out and about, limited mobility shouldn’t stop you enjoying the best years of your life. Whether it’s trialling chores or simply your preferred entertainment, there’s an app that can help you. And, when the time does come for a bit of an adventure, you can travel safely in the knowledge that companies have made flying more accessible than ever.
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