Time is like a precious currency which is daily deposited into our accounts and at the end of the day is ultimately withdrawn. Daily nature gives you chances to invest your time in positive and nice things. We cannot but wonder that how does time slips out of our hands so quickly. While on the other hands some people who are there who look like they have got time under their control. Why so much difference exists between two same people with same time frame but different ways to utilize time. Maybe because one understands the dynamics of time and the other does not. Let’s find out in the article below that how do we get hold of the time and tame it to our benefit.
First of all consider that at a daily basis 86,400 dollars are deposited into your account. Each dollar corresponds to one second since there are 86,400 seconds in a single day. Now where would you invest these dollars in if you knew that they would all disappear at the end of the day? It all depends on your decisions and willpower to invest in yourself. Those who invest their times in themselves and know its importance are much able to perform positive in life as compared to others who don’t spend their time positively.
The first step to guide yourself through those granted 24 hours is waking up early. You would find many great CEOs, leaders and other successful people in life who wake up early in the morning. This is one common habit that you find in all the successful people. Why is it so? Scientifically waking up early in the morning grants you energy boosts and lets you invest in your own self. You would find yourself more focused during the daytime and other office chores if you manage to wake yourself up early in the morning. All your minute chores which would otherwise take lots of time during other parts of the day, hardly take any time because in morning your focus and energy levels are extra high. So the first step in achieving a grip over your time is to wake up early and complete your own time and chores before 7AM at least or before your office starts.
You missed your running session in the morning? Then why not do it in the office break time? Why what’s the taboo here? The second important most thing that matters is that your time is yours only. Don’t let someone else judge you for it. There is nothing wrong in adjusting your routine if you missed out something from your routine. Don’t go for other things in your break if you missed your jog or run in the morning, try to cover it up in that lost time. In this way you will not only stay focused but also develop a great willpower to keep maintain the routine which you have adopted. Adapting to the changing routine is the best thing you could do to yourself and the sooner you learn it the better it will be for your own self. Science otherwise has shown that those creatures who adapted with changing conditions are more prone to survival and security.
Make slots of your available time through the day. Allot each slot to each activity which you have planned for your day. This slotting of the time will enable you to better manage your time and allow it to be better controlled by you in the future. These sections of time will be under your control by which you can switch your activities or if you want you can change your time slots. Thus in both ways you will be able to control your time and activities both. Such calculated moves in life otherwise make you very habitual of strong decisions and firm ground holding. Taming time means that you’ll be taming half your troubles.
Give separate time to your entertainment. If you divide all slots into work slots only then it will end up as a fatigue cycle at the end of the day whereas if you give equal distribution between work slots and entertainment slots you’d find your days passing perfectly. Give time to your family, your hobbies and other entertainments during the day to make sure that your mind keeps getting refreshed on a daily basis. Watch some good movies on Netflix, play some good slots on New Slot Sites, buy something for yourself on Amazon. Passing time for your own entertainment will refresh your mind and body both. Don’t just run after money in your daily life cycle instead try to focus on other things as well that matter.
Time is like water, contain it and use it your benefit, let it flow and it will spread itself everywhere while you will be left In its pursuit. So don’t worry about the complexities that you are facing in life. Control your time and you will soon be in charge of all the troubles that you face. Let’s make a determined promise to ourselves that we are the ones in charge of our time and nobody else. Only we can decide that where our time will lead us. Make this your mentality and see the world roll under your feet and you climb the stairs of success. The secret of this time control is to never look back and to keep moving ahead always.
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