Going through with any kind of home renovation is a big project. The ideal renovation won’t be too much of an intrusion on your daily life, but even so, the noise and constant foot traffic through your house can be annoying.
In addition to being inconvenienced, there’s also the possibility that your renovation project will have snags. You might end up having to go over budget, contractors might not show up when they’re supposed to, or you could end up with a bad job.
All of these concerns are legitimate, but there are ways to prevent serious problems.
1. Rent a dumpster if your contractor doesn’t
When you hire a contractor to perform a large renovation, they’ll get a dumpster on your property. However, sometimes they won’t do that for smaller projects. If your contractor doesn’t get a dumpster, rent a construction dumpster yourself. The last thing you want to deal with is a bunch of oddly shaped and sharp pieces of debris lying around your property. No matter how small a debris pile is compared to larger renovations, you don’t want to have to haul it to the dump.
Consider renting a dumpster just a normal part of any renovation. It’s worth the cost because you have to pay for convenience. Of course, if you already have a pickup truck and make trips to the dump, you might not mind hauling off loads of random debris.
However, if you’re like most homeowners, that would be a major inconvenience. Having a dumpster on your property solves this dilemma.
2. Keep track of hardware
Sometimes you’ll be the one to supply your contractors with certain appliances, fixtures, and hardware, especially when you’re having custom or special things installed. It’s critical to keep track of your hardware throughout the renovation process because if you lose hardware that isn’t standard – something you can’t replace with a trip to the hardware store – your project will be delayed until you can order more. That is, if you can order more; you might not be able to get another set of special hardware.
Don’t give your contractors everything all at once. Sure, they’ll have to be inconvenienced by coming to you to ask for the pieces needed to, say, install a special light fixture. However, you won’t have to be concerned about them losing or misplacing your hardware while they work on other things.
3. Be realistic about your timeline
Nothing will stress you out more than having an unrealistic expectation for your project’s timeline. No matter what you’ve seen on television, you probably won’t get your remodeling job done in three days.
Also, be aware of how long it can take to get permits. Talk with your designers and other contractors to get an idea of how long your project will take and then be sure to add the time it takes to get your permits. Obtaining the right permits can take longer than you expect.
4. Hire pros with a stunning track record
If your remodeling project looks like it’s falling apart, there might be a problem with the contractors you’ve chosen. The best way to avoid hiring the wrong people is to verify a company’s results and customer satisfaction before hiring them. You can do a simple Google search for their company name, check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for complaints, look up their reviews on Yelp, and ask around your local Facebook groups.
5. Speak up often
If your designer or contractor is starting to go a little off into the weeds with what you want, speak up and do it often. Speak up quickly before they take things too far in the wrong direction.
Sometimes design ideas are lost in translation and it seems like everyone is on the same page, but that’s not always reality. It’s normal, and that’s why clear communication is key. However, it’s not always possible or easy to articulate many of the finer details to someone, so keep your eye out and don’t let them roll with anything you’re not comfortable with.
Calling the shots will go a long way to create a smooth renovation
Above all, calling the shots is the best way to make your renovation project smooth. Know when and what your contractors are responsible for and if they aren’t working out, find another company. While you do want to give professionals the space to do their job right, you also need to be brave enough to call the shots when necessary. After all, it’s your home being renovated.
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