There are different types of foundations, so there are also varying methods of repairing them when they become problematic. Foundations are the bedrock of every home, and it would help if homeowners acquainted themselves with the specific procedure used by professionals to fix their faulty foundation.
So, how do you repair a pier and beam foundation? Well, it depends on what goes wrong with it. Different issues can occur with pier and beam foundations that might require specialized tasks by professionals. This calls for invaluable methods used by expert foundation repair companies to complete a pier and beam repair. In addition, it also means they’ll require extensive and specific tools, equipment, and processes involved from start to finish.
Pier and beam foundations have many advantages: they are straightforward and less expensive to repair than slab-on-grade foundations. The underside of the foundation makes it easier for workers to access plumbing and electrical units when they develop issues and fix them accordingly. However, pier and beam foundations are considered primitive foundations, yet they are complex and more intricate to retrofit than modern designs.
This information is provided by our foundation repair contractors in the Texas area. Our specialists offer pier and beam foundation repair in Corpus Christi. Be sure to visit our website at to learn more.
What are Signs That Pier and Beam Foundations are Faulty?
Many warning signs can indicate your home’s foundation is failing and should be improved ASAP:
Shifting Beams
Soil expansion and contraction due to seasonal variation can cause beams in your foundation to shift over time. Clay soil tends to react to dry conditions and extreme rainfall and saturation. The periodic oscillation of swelling and shrinking of the clay soil each season can impact the stability of your foundation. As your foundation starts to move, cracks could develop on the floorings, walls, and ceilings.
Pier settlement or collapse
Pier settlement or collapse due to soil movement caused by continual swelling and shrinking can make the piers sink or lean on one side. Moreover, if one or more piers settle or collapse, it can set off a series of problems, including cracks, lopsided or bowing walls.
Decaying Beam
Excessive moisturization beneath your home can cause the beams and other wooden materials supporting your foundation to rot. In other words, water and inadequate ventilation can wear down your pier and beam foundation.
How are Pier and Beam Foundations Repairs Done?
Pier beam foundations have ventilation and space beneath the home known as the crawlspace. The crawlspace makes it easier for contractors to access the undersides of the building to inspect and quickly detect any emerging issue within the underlying structure. With proper periodic maintenance, pier and beam foundations can last long.
However, depending on the causes and scope of the damage, experts may recommend one or more repair solutions which include:
Site shoring
Typically the first recommendation is always site shoring. This method involves inserting piers under the slab to improve the stability of the foundation and enhance its load-bearing capacity pending when contractors complete other requisite works. The essence of site shoring is to give adequate support to the home and distribute its weight evenly. It’s a process of adding additional piers to the building regardless of whether some piers have collapsed or they were not adequate the first time. New piers help smooth out bowing walls and also provide enough support.
This procedure entails making adjustments to the specific components of the pier and beam foundation to forestall significant damages from developing. Reshimming is done by wedging and pounding small pieces of wood in between the piers and the wooden sills to level it out. In other words, if your foundation experiences a small amount of movement or slightly becomes loose, reshimming is the proper solution to fix it, to prevent significant issues from developing.
However, reshimming is preventive maintenance to pier and beam foundations that should be performed every 3-5 years to keep your home in good shape.
Wood replacement
Floor joists and shaker sills can warp, break or rot and hence, need to be refurbished. However, it can be challenging to replace pieces of wood beneath the home due to their interconnectedness. Consequently, to ensure the building does not come crashing down, foundation repair contractors will temporarily support the adjacent area of the crawl space while removing the damaged sections.
Technicians use this method to increase the depth of a foundation. A warning sign that your building needs underpinning is when cracks are more than ¼ inch, especially diagonal cracks. Drilled belled-bottom piers or concrete pilings are used where the perimeter beam needs to be brought back to its original position. When a foundation problem is due to settlement, driven concrete piers or pile guard piers are excellent techniques for fixing it.
What is the cost of foundation repair?
Typically, the cost of foundation repair hovers around $4,642. However, homeowners can pay as much as $10,000-$20,000 or even more to carry out a major repair involving hydraulic piers. Pier and beam foundations may experience wood decay or settlement due to soil movement or excessive moisture retention.
A knowledge of pier and beam foundation problems and the best methods of improving them suffices for you to better work with your contractor towards finding a suitable solution you can readily afford.
Should I remodel my home before fixing the foundation?
The stability of every home is heavily reliant on the foundation, and a failing foundation will invariably impact the overall building. It will help to fix your foundation issues before remodeling your home to avoid the risk of damaging brand new finishes, flooring materials, and more down the line.
Periodic home maintenance is one of the essential expenses that homeowners have to make, notwithstanding the type of home they have. Hence, homeowners must know what could go wrong with their foundations since they’re the bedrock of every home. Pier and beam foundations offer numerous benefits. Besides granting easy access to electrical and plumbing, these structures perform better in areas with dry soil.
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