January certainly feels like the longest month of the year. In fact, it’s considered by most to be the most depressing month of the year after the excitement of Christmas has worn off and we all go back to work. Of course, some of us will be struggling with the January blues, but going green could be the cure for some of them. Aside from making the most of the lower energy bills that come with solar panels Middlesbrough residents trust, what else can you do to make sure you beat the January blues by going green?
Supplement your diet
In 2022, 629,000 signed up to do Veganuary, meaning they spent the month of January following a vegan diet in an effort to be healthier and benefit the planet. Vegan food is extremely healthy and will leave you feeling incredibly nourished and healthier for having engaged in the diet for a short period of time. Moreover, a vegan lifestyle is much more sustainable for the planet, as it decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Do more walking
You can simultaneously do your bit for the planet and get a bit more exercise by walking or jogging some places that you would normally take the car. Doing more exercise makes a difference to our overall well being, as it releases endorphins that encourage happiness and also make us less susceptible to winter bugs. Not only will you beat the blues, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint too!
Get help with SAD
SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder affects a lot of people in more ways than you can anticipate. A lot of people lean into light therapy and invest in SAD lamps to help them get more vitamin D and serotonin, thus reducing their blue feelings. Simply sit by the lamp for half an hour every morning and you will be set up for a much better day.
Take a cold shower
Exposing your body to the cold water will not only stand to improve your circulation and nervous system, it will also save you a bit of money on the water bill. Once you step out of the water you will feel great mentally, and your wallet will thank you for saving a bit of money by having a cold and speedy shower.
Be kind to yourself
Nobody’s perfect, that’s a simple fact of life. However, lots of people beat themselves up when they don’t achieve their goals, or go back on a new year’s resolution. Even if you don’t manage to be as green as possible during January, or you have a slip during Veganuary, make sure you give yourself room to improve without berating yourself. Most importantly, make sure you take regular breaks and reach out to friends and family for support if you do feel the negative effects of SAD or other mental health issues.
Hopefully, you can follow some of this advice to try and beat the January blues, while also introducing some greener practices to your lifestyle.
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